Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Israel

Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Israel

"Slovenia noted with concern the information in the OHCHR compi­lation and stakeholders’ reports on the refusal to the right to con­scien­tious objection, part of the right to freedom of thought, con­scien­ce and religion, and on imprisonment in this regard. It asked if Israel intended to review this, and recommended ceasing impriso­ning conscientious objectors and considering granting the right to conscientious objection to serve instead with a civilian body independent of the military." (

"461. Israel had also taken upon itself to promote the following items from the Council's recommendations:" (...)
"(h) Granting the right to those who object to serve in the army on conscientious grounds to serve instead with a civilian body inde­pendent of the military, such as in the form of the newly established and strengthened Public Commission for National Civil Service;

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