Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Uzbekistan

Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Uzbekistan

Slovenia asked (a) what steps the Government was taking to ensure that all individuals with a conscientious objection to military service are able to exercise this right and not only those belonging to recognized religious groups whose beliefs require such refusal; (...) Slovenia recommended that Uzbekistan (d) ensure that conscien­tious objection to military service is available to individuals irrespec­tive of their religion or belief, that the process for consideration applications is under civilian control and to provide a non-punitive civilian alternative service; (b) respond soon to these requests (of special procedures to visit the country) in a positive way.
Uzbekistan indicated indicated that it would study the conformity of the (...) recommendations with the national legislation.” (

17. According to the article 22, paragraph 1, page 1 of the Law “On general military duty and military service” recruits are released from military duty and military service in a mobilization invocatory reserve during the peacetime:
(a) If recognized unfit for military service due to health problems;
(b) If one of near relatives (brother, sister) has died during the military service;
(c) If he/she has a holy order in one of the registered religious organizations.
18. According to the article 37, paragraph 2 of above-mentioned Law, citizens at the age from 18 to 27, listed in military registry and subject to draft, have the right to choose alternative service if they are members of registered religious organizations and there dogma prohibits the use of weapons and service in the army.

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Discrimination Neutral